NSW Opportunity Class (OC) Practice Tests

Pricing and Signup

Reading tests in the current NSW OC format

25 Questions in 30 Minutes

Mathematical Reasoning tests in the current NSW OC format

35 Questions in 40 Minutes

Thinking Skills tests in the current NSW OC format

30 Questions in 30 Minutes

Bonus Questions for additional practice in English, Mathematics and even General Ability (mixed tests)

35 Questions in 30 Minutes

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NSW Selective School Practice Tests

Pricing and Signup

Reading tests in the current NSW Selective Exam format

30 Questions in 40 Minutes

Mathematical Reasoning tests in the current NSW Selective Exam format

35 Questions in 40 Minutes

Thinking Skills tests in the current NSW Selective Exam format

40 Questions in 40 Minutes

Bonus questions for additional practice (approximately 1125 English, 1200 Mathematics as well as 1440 General Ability questions)

The Written Expression Component is allowed 30 minutes. See details of how we prepare students under Essay Competitions above

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WA GATE Academic Selective Entrance Testing (ASET) Tests

Pricing and Signup

Reading Comprehension tests

35 Questions in 35 Minutes

Quantitative Reasoning tests

35 Questions in 35 Minutes

Abstract Reasoning tests

35 Questions in 20 Minutes

The Written Expression Component is allowed 25 minutes. See details of how we prepare students under Essay Competitions above

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Test Modes

Random Mode

These are non-timed tests. Questions are served randomly from the entire question database. It is possible to get the same question across different tests, since the number of questions is limited in the database. No history of your performance on these tests is saved (except the last test taken for each subject).

TimedScore Mode

The questions contained in each TimedScore test are pre-defined, and you have a limited amount of time to complete a test. They simulate real-world exams. Questions come from the same database as the Random mode tests. The history of your tests is stored for the entire duration of your membership. You can review every question from the tests you have taken in the past at any time.

You can take the same TimedScore test as many times as you like, until you perfect it!

Retry Mistakes

Your history of tests taken in TimedScore mode are saved in the database for the duration of your subscription.

This feature allows you to retry any questions you got incorrect while in TimedScore mode. Choose the subject and dates between which you made those mistakes and retry them!

These tests are treated similar to tests taken in Random mode - i.e. the history of these retries are not saved in the database.

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Site News

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September's OC Prep Toppers   01/10/2024
Congratulations to September's OC Prep top member, ANIRUDHV who had a score of 194 out of 320. LUCKYTHREE was the runner-up with a score of 165. Well Done!

September's Selective Prep Toppers   01/10/2024
Congratulations to September's Selective Prep top member, ALSO A MATHSFAN who achieved a score of 228 out of 320! ANISH -UI was the runner-up with a score of 219. Congratulations!

September's WA GATE Toppers   01/10/2024
Congratulations to September's WA GATE top member, PERTHMOD who achieved a score of 193 out of 240! ANISH-UI was the runner-up with a score of 182. Congratulations!

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